We’re in store for a fun weekend at the Texas Book Festival, especially if it’s anything like the last time I did this fest. Thanks to Addie Broyles and the Austin American Statesman for including me in a highlight of cookbook authors in the cooking demo tent.
I’ll be kicking off the festival at the gala afterparty on Friday starting at 9:30p. Cocktails with the authors! More info here.
Daytime! - Saturday October 25
I’ll be churning out poems with my Typewriter Rodeo crew on Saturday. Location of their tent TBD, but it will likely be on Congress by food vendor Amy’s Ice Cream. Come say hello and get yourself a poem.
I’ll be demo’ing two recipes from the book, a fermented pickle and homemade mayonnaise in the Cooking Tent, then signing Hip Girl’s Guide to the Kitchen immediately following in the signing tent.
Check out the festival schedule here.
Nighttime! - Saturday October 25

I agreed to flex my non-existent trivia muscles in Nerd Jeopardy at Wonderland. (I hope they ask a lot of questions about Jane Austen.) Lit Crawl events happen in two phases and it’s a lot of good free fun.